Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Moe's Southwest Grill "Dine to Donate" a Success!!!

A friend of mine suggested this past weekend, that we look into doing a "dine to donate" at our local Moe's Southwest Grill. And so Monday morning I called our local restaurant and set up an event to occur a mere 72 hours later. We were given a three hour window, and anyone who came in and said they were there to support our adoption, we would be given 20% of their bill.

We were overwhelmed to see the huge turnout. The manager warned me that we may only get $50 or so towards our fund. Well my friends, we more than tripled that amount. Moe's Southwest Grill of Mentor, Ohio will be donating $155.64 to our FSP.


Thanks to all who came out!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Our countdown is in the single digits!

NINE SLEEPS. That's all that stands between us and an airplane headed for India.

So many loose ends need to be tied up before we leave. So many loads of laundry to be washed. So many things to try and not forget to pack. So many arrangements need to be made to make sure Cecelia is taken care of while we are gone.

It's enough to exhaust anyone. But me, I lay awake at night. Trying to tell myself all the things I still need to do. All the things I want to ask the orphanage about him when we pick him up. All the little moments I want to soak in.

We are still a little over $4,000 short on travel funds as well. Any and all donations to our FSP are 100% tax deductible and greatly appreciated!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Leaving on a jet plane....... Don't know when we'll be back again!

Yes, seriously. We are getting on a plane July 1st!! And yes, we don't know when we'll be back again. We are taking yet another huge leap of faith - the judge signed the written court order earlier this week. Once the orphanage gets their copy, they will use it to file for his passport. It could take days, or weeks to be issued. We plan to take custody of him on July 6th. If his passport is not ready by then, we cannot leave his city until it is. Scary? Yes. But we cannot allow him to sleep on the concrete floor with his untreated scoliosis any longer!!!

Please join us in prayer that his passport is issued in a timely manner. Please also pray for our finances. Of course this all had to come together during peak summer travel airfare prices. Our roundtrip flights from Cleveland to Delhi are more than double what we had budgeted!!!!

Thirteen sleeps and we are getting on a plane!!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Our next fundraiser while we wait for a signature.

It's now been over a month since our court case was disposed. We are technically, legally his parents. But because the courts there closed for vacation days after our case, the judge went on vacation before he could sign the written order. That is the document needed to move forward. We are optimistic that it will be signed soon and that we can possibly travel by the end of the month.

In the meantime, we are still about halfway to our fundraising goal. So I am launching our next item - glass tile necklaces. For a $15 donation to our FSP, I can make a necklace for you with the country of your choice as the flag.